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Why Digital Gift Cards are Essential for Modern Corporate Gifting

Posted on 13 June 2024
Read time 3 mins
Author Sophia 🌱

Consumers, be they prospects, customers, or employees, now demand greater choice, personalization, and emotional connection, which raises a very important question: How can corporate gifting evolve to satisfy these demands?

The answer could be as simple as the humble digital gift card.

The rise of remote working

In March 2020, the world went into lockdown, and for the first time in global history, businesses were forced to adopt remote working or face closing down their operations. 

The pandemic acted as a spectacular catalyst for change, showing the world that it is possible to be productive at home and highlighting potential cost-savings to businesses that previously spent large sums of office space. 


Kitchens temporarily became boardrooms and bedrooms offices, and Zoom finally had its moment in the spotlight. However, as the pandemic drew on, these temporary changes began to feel a little less temporary, and slowly but surely, attitudes towards a remote way of working started to change forever. 

Prior to the Covid pandemic, just 4.7% of UK employees worked from home (WISERD)
By April 2020, 46.6% did at least part of their job from home (ONS)

Digital dominoes - a knock-on effect felt throughout the corporate world

Despite a worldwide push to return to the office, the number of full-time remote workers is still double the number pre-pandemic, and almost a third of UK employees now work from home some of the time. (ONS)

This has had an inevitable impact on businesses up and down the corporate ladder. With employees, prospects, and customers now working remotely, acquisition, engagement, and retention strategies have had to change to accommodate them, and digital gifting is one such area that has seen significant acceleration. 

Physical gifting will always be special, but with the added complexities of remote working, it has become increasingly difficult to ensure that a physical gift ends up in the hands of the right recipient or the hands of a recipient full stop. 

Especially when dealing with prospects and customers, businesses can no longer be sure that an office address is, in fact, a person's place of work, which can make physical gifting a risky and potentially costly gamble. 


The role of digital gift cards in modern corporate gifting

Digital gift cards are a simple, effective, and desirable corporate gifting solution entirely unhindered by remote work. Whatever a person's office schedule, a digital gift card will find its way into their inbox, removing the risk of a campaign-specific surprise gathering dust or a timely incentive losing its spark. 

Getting started with digital gift cards couldn’t be easier. With a single integration to Tillo’s award-winning gift card API, corporate gifting platforms can gain access to 2,000+ of the world’s best-loved brands, allowing you to incorporate digital e-gifts into your gifting strategy without the need to sign individual brand agreements or build any form of digital e-gift delivery mechanism. 

“Tillo has allowed Reachdesk to meet the gifting needs of our customers all over the world. Their expansive catalogue has enabled our customers to meet the bespoke tastes of their customers and prospects in hundreds of countried globally. Tillo’s performance, reliability, and customer service are the best in class.”

Michael Worsek - VP Supply Chain and Marketplace, Reachdesk 

95% of consumers want choice - give them what they crave with ChoiceLink

Combine the distribution power of Tillo’s digital gift cards with the personalisation options of a Tillo ChoiceLink, and you’ve got a recipe for corporate gifting success. 


Brand your ChoiceLink in your corporate colours, fill it with brands you know the end user will love, and give them the power to split their redemption value where they choose. 

Whether it’s a popular coffee chain, a luxury retail store, or a streaming service, ChoiceLink puts the power of choice back in the hands of the recipient without losing the personal touch that makes corporate gifting campaigns so special and successful. 

Discover Tillo. We make corporate gifting simple.

Tillo’s plug-and-play API is designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing gifting infrastructure, providing you and your end users with an unparalleled experience that enhances every touchpoint of the customer journey, from the moment a gift card lands in their inbox to the moment they redeem it. 

With over 2,000+ global brands available on our platform, we offer one of the richest brand catalogues in the industry, ensuring that you can cater to a broad spectrum of preferences and make your gifting solutions more appealing and versatile. 

Ready to explore how Tillo can help you digitise the future of corporate gifting? Contact us today to book a demo or to find out more. 


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